Ammar Jagirdar

App Reccos!

Just before anyone imagines I’ve given up and gone off after writing, be assured, I haven’t. Been battling a few demons and a round of drugs. But that’s a story for another day. Because these demons will be slayed as well — as all demons are slayed.

Talking about demons, I cannot begin to describe in words the significance of Mental Health Check-Ins. And an outstanding app that helps do it is How we Feel. This came recommended by Kuldeep Datay, a psychologist whose advice I have come to trust over time. Do give it a dekko.

And earlier today, the kind folks at introduced a new feature into the app that I positively love.

Type the food you’ve just eaten and it generates the various components in it that include the calories, carbs, proteins, etc. That’s heck of a lot of hard work which has gone in that includes creating a database to pull the data out of and and coding to do. Can’t wait to see what Ammar Jagirdar and team pull off next in beta!

The 8k challenge

So, I’m back. It’s been over a week since I wrote an update here. My bad!

First things first! There was an update from the good folks at A week of monitoring my diet later, and after factoring in for the exercise I do (which right now is mostly walking), the math suggested I’m doing okay. I burn more calories than I consume. But I ought to do better.

So, the next challenge has been thrown at me. To do 8k every single day. And it’s non-negotiable. I’ve been doing between 4-5k every day. This is pretty much double what I do.

Did it for the time yesterday. I thought that would be easy as hell. It didn’t kill me. But the last 1k took the Mickey out of me. And boy oh boy! I got mad hungry and kept eating like a beast!

Thought I’d wake up today and do a 3k in the morning and a 5k later in the evening — break the walk up. But didn’t happen. I just slept it out and the body wanted to rest. So, that’s what I’ve been doing. Working and resting.

Life Hacks!

So, here’s the story so far!

Every day, each time I eat something, I take a picture, and send it to the team at Thylio. It’s interesting how this is turning out. And I have no idea if this is part of the plan. I get the feeling I’m being a little mindful of what I eat. This is happening since Sunday when I first ‘met’ Ammar Jagirdar and his wife, in person, at their place for brunch. We spoke about much, including digital therapeutics, the ideas they’re at work on, and what has my interest. Heck! I just turned 50 and it sounds scary. I’m supposed to sound all grown up and all that jazz! But in my head, I feel like a 30-year old or some such who should be pumping iron and weight-lifting. In fact, I have no idea why I haven’t done a triathlon until now.

When Ammar asked me “Why not?”, I didn’t have a darned answer.

So, here I am. Going back to First Principles. And Body Hacking to get back to shape. With some help. A plan has been kicked into motion where I share my smart watch share details of my diet and activity with the team at Thylio that Ammar is co-founder. Let’s see what they come up with. I’m following orders. .